I say "we", even though it's Georgia attending, because I know life will be different now. This is the First Day of many First Day's to come, for many many years. It's only 3 half-days of preschool right now, but too soon it'll be the First Day of Kindergarten, Grade school, high school... and I can't even say the C-word. (It rhymes with 'mollege' ;)
I hope she will always be this excited about her First Days, and her excitement will instill a lifelong love of learning!
Getting her backpack just right.

She wanted Daddy to get a good picture of her backpack!!
Lincoln is ready too- he's just not sure what for!
Obligatory front steps pose...
...for a kiss from Daddy!

And she was off! She would have walked herself right in, but we tagged along for the first day- not that she noticed!
She got right in there and helped herself to the water table. Mrs. Daniel (right) is one of her sweet teachers.
Have I mentioned that I LOVE that she wears a uniform! Navy tops, Khaki bottoms, or blue collared dress for the girls (like the girl next to her)... not only is it adorable, but practical. Just a few outfits should last us all year, and I don't have to worry about her getting her other clothes messed up doing school projects. Oh, AND it's REALLY adorable!

Daddy had to keep a tight hold on this one, who was aching to get down and go play with the school kids!
We forced one more hug from her- lets just say she was not at all hesitant about starting school! No clinging to the pant leg- she was off and playing before we could say goodbye!

It was a great first day and I think our little school is going to be a blessing for all of us. It's such a sweet environment and her teachers are very loving. Lincoln and I had a quiet (comparatively!) morning and actually got some stuff done at the house. Maybe we'll get these boxes unpacked, after all!