Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Larry gets Savage

Saturday, October 19th
The Savage Team: Larry, Justin, Mike, Ben
Larry joined his cousin Justin's team for the recent Savage Race (10/19/13) held out at Everglades Ranch, about an hour north of us. The race course was 7 miles, with 25 different obstacles along the way with names like Sawtooth, Colossus, Mud N Guts, Shriveled Richard, and many other with not-so-PG names. They powered thru the course with no problems, and had fun! (Yes- they were putting themselves thru that for FUN!!) Larry considered it a great warm-up for his upcoming Tough Mudder race... here's hoping that one will go as great!
Larry's cousin Justin, Justin's wife Kim and their son Gage (almost 3yrs)

With his blonde hair and bright blue eyes, we think Gage looks like a little Lincoln!
A little mid-race encouragement from Gage to the guys.

Gage gives his daddy some pointers help him finish the race!