Today we had a play date with one of our favorite guys, Rollins deVilleneuve. We had lunch and then went to the playground so the kiddos could run around together. But it's funny to say they "played together", because really they just run around in the same area. 'Experts' (whoever 'they' may be) call this "parallel play" because kids this age generally play alongside each other rather than interacting and playing together. I think it's funny that there is a technical term for how one-year-olds play! I just call it "running amuck"!
Parallel or perpendicular or whichever direction it was, Rollins and Georgia had fun, and us mommas enjoyed getting to catch up. We'll be ready to do it again soon! :)
Despite the experts, here's a few pictures of them playing
together:Giddy-up dino! Faster, faster!
Back in the house, mister!
I'll help you get this mower going, Rollins!
Keys are a good bribe for a sit-down picture!
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