Saturday night some sweet family & friends gathered to give us a little shower to celebrate our coming baby boy. We enjoyed yummy lasagna & bread, a great salad, mint tea and delicious berry bread pudding for dessert. It was a great "girls night" of chatting and catching up, talking babies to come, babies here, & babies past, and enjoying each other's company. We got some great presents for little Lincoln, and I was excited at how cute boy clothes can also be after a year & a half of enjoying dresses & bows! I feel truly blessed to have such a great group of women celebrate baby boy, and am thankful to them for their support and love! Thanks especially to Laura, Jenn & Sandy for putting the shower together!!
Laura, me & Lincoln, Sandy Grammie shares a hug with Lincoln & me!
I love all the pictures from your weekend, especially the one of GA on the tractor! The shower was a lot of fun, and you got some great stuff for Lincoln. I can't wait for him and Logan to be best buddies! Good thing we have Georgia to keep them in line!
Love y'all!
As I mentioned online yesterday, you look WONDERFUL! I LOVE all of your blog posts!! THANK YOU!!! :) I've missed you in the blogging world, girl! You've got to get in as much as you can now b/c you'll REALLY be busy SOON! :) YAY!!!
What a great shower! Don't we have some amazing girlfriends!?!?!?
Love you guys!
Oh, and it was SO good to see your mom! Give her a big HUG from me again, please!
You look GREAT Kathryn! Looking forward to meeting Lincoln soon! love you.
Kathryn and Larry have such wonderful friends in B'ham and we are blessed to have been able to get to know all of the shower girls!! Sandy was so thoughtful to offer her beautiful new home and the friendships you have will help you all thru the +/-'s ahead with young children. Rely on your friends and know you are all blessed to have each other! Hugs and best wishes until we're up there next month!! Love you Grammie
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