... and he'll buy a boat, start a charter fishing company, take 5 guys out in the smooth waters of the gulf in the hot heat of August, tell them where to drop their lines and help them reel up fish after fish after fish!
So we've been living down here in Florida for almost two years now and had eaten only one self-caught meal that I can think of (courtesy Steve Waters!). But now we'll be eating like (fishing) kings for weeks! A few good friends went out with Larry for a charter fishing trip last weekend and pulled quite a haul! They had a great time and it was so awesome to see friends from Birmingham that we dearly miss- Barry, Dave (missed you Laura & Charlotte!), and all four Phelps. Sandy and I held down the fort at home with 5 kiddos all day Saturday while the big boys had their fun, and as she said, we had at least 10 unfinished conversations, which was so great! ;) It was neat to see the Georgia, Lincoln and Logan reconnect, and catch up with what a big girl Miss Avery is becoming. Mike also joined the guys and it was great to have him and Megan over on Sunday to sample the spoils with a fish lunch.
Thank you all for making the effort to be with us and our house is always open! We'll probably be having some yummy fish for dinner! ;)
We had a wonderful fish dinner at Hipp's Sunday night so thank all of the fishermen who helped catch them- YUM!! Pictures of all of the families and guys are so nice to see and Logan and Avery have gotten so big!!! Sorry to have missed everyone but we loved Greeceand Turkey! Our home is open any time you guys need another weekend!Grammie
We had a great visit! I agree, it was a lot of fun to see all the kids reconnect and play. Enjoy all the fish!
PS - We missed seeing y'all, too, Grammie!
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