Monday, October 31, 2011

Meet Jack

 The kids are getting older and, so, are more INTO holidays as they come around, especially Georgia, who I can already tell is going to be a little traditionalist like her mommy! So come Oct 1st they were ready to get a pumpkin! We managed to hold them off for a week or so, and finally settled on a nice, big, happy (cheap!) one that we all picked out together. Then they were ready to carve! But we know around here the buggies love the taste of pumpkin, so, again, we held off, till right before Halloween. Then we finally got to carve! The kids were hesitant to get their hands dirty, but Georgia eventually led the way in, as usual! She also was our designer this year, with the square eyes and big, happy grin (see her original design on the counter below). Jack looked quite happy on our front step when we were all done!

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