Georgia hosted her first party today! She had a costume party for all her baby friends so they could celebrate their first Halloween together, and mostly, so we could take lots of pictures of them in their costumes! It was such a FUN chaos with all the babies crawling over each other and playing in their cute little costumes!! Everyone was ADORABLE!! Unfortunately by the time we tried to do a group shot Georgia had reached her limit, so she's squallin in those pictures. :( But she was a bootiful butterfly the rest of the time, and had a great first Halloween! :)

Butterfly Georgia, Ballerina Maggie & Goldfish Rollins playing.

Butterfly Ga watches over her sweet flower friends, Tate & Ellie!

Hannah is a mild little chili pepper!

Asher is a handsome frog!
All these pictures are posted in her album... don't miss them!
Happy Halloween from the Hipps!
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