Hope you all had a wonderful Easter, and shared with our joy in knowing we have a Savior in Jesus, who died on the cross yet rose again three days later, all so my sins would be covered by His blood, the sacrifice of His life would pay for any and all of my wrongdoings, and that I can have a relationship with the God of the Universe. WOW!! God is SO good to us!!
We enjoyed an amazing Easter service at our church- the music lifted my heart and my hands, and included a version of Ol' Rugged Cross that gave me chills (good chills!). Our paster did an original dramatic monologue from the perspective of Barrabas- he was the convicted murderer that the Jews choose to free, and instead crucify Jesus. It was such a unique perspective since we are all like Barrabas- Jesus died in our place, although He was innocent and we are not. It was too good to not share- hear it here (at posting time the sermon was not yet online, but should be probably on Mon).
At home we enjoyed some Easter fun- the bunny left some goodies in our basket, which Georgia enjoyed. (ok- we've ALL been enjoying some of the sweeter goodies!) And Lincoln helped me with some adorable Easter pictures. (yes- I stuffed my baby boy in a basket that was probably a bit too small- or maybe my baby boy is a bit too big- either way it's still cute!). And Saturday we all enjoyed Georgia & Lincoln's first Egg hunt with our Sunday school class. Georgia did great once she figured out she was there to collect eggs, not play on the swings, and she liked it even more when she figured out there was candy in the eggs- she came to me drooling colors from shoving a starburst in her mouth!
Hope you had a fun and meaningful Easter weekend too!
i loved all the Easter pics and your crafts with Georgia. however, i do have to say that lincoln in the basket was my favorite. your a girl after my own heart with fun "picture projects." i love his little dimple and his eyes are gorgeous!
HOw precious!!! The pics of Lincoln in that basket are priceless, altho he will fuss when he's older! Those are worth blowing up larger!! Georgia Kate looks beautiful in her Easter dress and it's so cute!!! He Easter am hairdo is a statement!!! So glad your family continues to be blessed and know the wonder and glory of God's amazing grace!! Keep the faith and know that your love is shining thru as an example to all of God's love for us all! Hugs. Grammie
Hippsters, Yall have some BEAUTIFUL chillens! ;)
I LOVE that first pic of GA!!
Lincoln is SO darn happy and CUTE! LOVE the basket pics! ;)
Looks like yall had a FUN Easter. :)
great posts! love the pics of the kids!! great seeing you guys sunday and hunting together....or sharing starbursts :)
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