F is for Fish- We made a Foil Fish F for our letter wall. I just cut out 2 smaller and one big, long fish from tin foil and let Georgia glue them into the letter F. Making the letter herself is always good for learning to recognize that letter- for this one she kept wanting to put both little fish in the middle, so I had to show her one had to go on top, and the other in the middle to look like an F...
We also made some Triangle Fish that I found at DLTK. Another great shape exercise! Before we made our fish we organized the triangles into colors, then biggest to smallest. Then we made the fish and they swam all over! I think they were "racing to the top" in our picture below...
Some neighbors called and invited us to the Aquarium one day, which fit perfectly into our F week. Georgia & Eden loved seeing all the fishies together, and petting the starfish and stingrays!
We also ate some special Fish snacks this week- Swedish Fish and Garden Goldfish (a new kind of Goldfish that has veggies baked in! So sneaky- I love it!).
F is for Flower- I had these cute little flower pot kits I bought for $1 at Valentine's day that I was saving for F week. We got to fill the pots with dirt, sprinkle in some seeds, a little more dirt and water them good! Now if only Mommy can remember to water them, maybe we'll have Flowers Growing for G-week!
We also collected some Flowers out of the yard together. Well, Georgia started to help me, but got distracted by sticks, bugs, dirt, and the swing! Then we brought our Flowers inside and she arranged them on a sheet of wax paper. Then I just folded the wax paper over them, and ironed it over the Flowers. It looks so pretty!
F is for Fries- Here's an F idea you may not want to copy, as it's not the healthiest- one day for lunch I made French Fries & (chicken) Fingers for F-fun! Actually, only half of the reason was for F. I also wanted to try to get Georgia to try some different dipping sauces, in hopes she'd like one and I could disguise some veggies under that dipping sauce. So I gave her samplings of ketchup, mustard, ranch, honey mustard and honey (which she already likes). It didn't really work- she tried the ketchup & ranch and said she liked them, but wouldn't try them again! Oh well! At least we got to enjoy yummy fries for lunch! (Don't worry- we also had Fruit!)
I love all the pictures a tthe acquarium and what an amazing option for the kids! Plus you continue to be way too crafty and Georgia is just like you- she loves to cook and make things! Thankfully it's starting to warm up and she can walk on her barefoot funny feet outside! Hugs Grammie
precious pics....i love all of your *letter* posts...great ideas!!
Great F Activities!!
Can't believe how long Georgia's hair has gotten. Love the flowers in wax paper. You are so creative Kathryn and it looks like Georgia is enjoying the crafts too.
I love it, Tampa's very own Sesame Street! :)
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