Saturday we went to the
Plant City Strawberry Festival- it's a big deal around here and had just enough down-home goodness in it to satisfy my heart that's been missing
sweet home Alabama just a bit. The Festival offered carnival rides for big kids & little kids, beauty queens, pig races, lumberjack shows, "best of" prizes- quilts, cows, strawberries, you name it! And the food- oh my! I wish I'd had a pocketful of Tums so I coulda sampled more & more- there were literally rows upon rows of food stalls. We had the traditional corn dogs and corn on the cob, and the strawberry shortcake was, of course, top notch! And we have a fridge-full of sweet strawberries to enjoy all week!

Oh yes- they had a "Beef Wagon" AND Chocolate "Dipt" Bacon (I love the spelling of 'dipped'!). NO- we did not try it...
"No, Lincoln, Mommy does not know what Chocolate Dipt Bacon would taste like either..."
The true sweetest picture of the day- sweet sister kisses!

Learning about how the strawberries come from the Fields...

This was on a pillowcase dress that was for sale and so cute I had to share a picture! A sweet reminder of how precious our freedom is... "If you love your freedom- Thank my Daddy"
Guess what Lincoln sees? "Brown cow, brown cow, where are you now?" He was totally taken with the cows!

"Now we're talkin! This is my kind of ride!""
It was such a wonderful day that I was truly blessed to share! Georgia was old enuf to love the rides, corn, strawberry shortcake, chickens and bunnies and lincoln was so good cruising along in the stroller and climbing up on the tractors. My favorite ride is still the merry-go-round which they both love. I never would have gone without you all so thx! Love Grammie
WOW!!! The Fair looked like so much fun. I cant say I dont blame you for not tring the Chocolate Dipt Bacon. I think I would have made the same expression Lincoln. LOVE YAll
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