Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another Hippo in the Herd

If that title sounds familiar, I think it's the same thing I said when I announced we were expecting Lincoln... So, Yes- you guessed it! If you haven't heard,
we are Expecting Baby #3!!
We decided why not keep the chaos coming! ;)
We are very excited about this little one, who should be making an appearance into the world around June 20, 2011. That makes me just over 13 weeks along. I am feeling better- the first trimester was rougher than I experienced with either of the first 2 kiddos. I was just very nausous all day, didn't even like to make meals let alone eat, and exhausted. Now I'm getting some of my energy back and my appetite is coming back- as Larry would probably agree as he watched me take down half a jar of sweet pickles last night right before bed! I don't know- they just tasted really good!
Here are some pictures of the newest member of our family that I got today-
Big sister Georgia and Big brother Lincoln seem excited about the new little one. Georgia really seems to understand and asks every day if God is still growing the baby in my tummy. She shares her blanket with the baby (my belly) during our story at bedtime and will only carefully hug from from the side so she doesn't squish the baby. I'm amazed she understands so much when I don't even have a baby belly as a visual yet! Here are the shirts they wore to tell Grammie and Grandad the big news:
I'm the Big Sister AGAIN & Not the Baby ANYMORE

I'm way behind on other blogging- Thanksgiving, Lincoln's 2nd Birthday, Firetrucks, Aunt Heather's UA graduation... hopefully I'll catch up at some point now that my body is not demanding 2 hour naps every afternoon! But had to get this great and exciting news out to you!!


Jen said...

Kathryn!!! That's so exciting!!! You are going to be one very busy momma soon!

Shireen said...

YAY for Hippo #3!!! :)

Looking forward to knowing the gender!! :)

Yay for the blog post, too!! ;)

Ashley Matteo said...

congrats! thats so exciting and im glad u r getting ur energy back, im sure u will need it with Christmas right around the corner. keep us posted on how everything goes

Tracey said...

Congrats Kathryn!! so excited for you. Tracey