~The kid is all BOY- running, jumping, falling, crashing, being noisy, making messes. Based on what he's "in to" right now I'd say its a toss up on him becoming a WWF wrestler, a sports star, a race car driver or a handyman when he grows up! He got a tool bench, a bunch of matchbox cars, some big blocks and a tricycle for Christmas (among 147 other toys) and he can't decide which he loves more!
~All that being said, he's still my snuggler and I LOVE IT! He loves to sit on my lap and just snuggle for about 30 mins after naptime. He gives great hugs and big wet kisses. He will get quite upset if he misses giving one person "hugs & kisses" before you leave or before bed. He's quite a lover and I hope he always keeps that sweet side!
~He's really gotten into books lately. Both of my kids are such busy-bodies it took them a little while to grow into being able to sit thru storytime. But Lincoln brings me books all the time now and I've found him in his sister's bed "reading" out of her book basket. Being a bit of a bookworm myself, I love to share this with my kids!
~He's decided he wants to be potty trained. I keep telling him "please, not yet" but he insists on trying it out all the time. He usually goes when I put him on there. Georgia was not hard to potty train, but I still remember it being a stressful time for mommy and going thru a lot of public messes and laundry. But I guess I'll have to give Lincoln his turn at it soon! Or maybe he'll just do it all by himself! (in my dreams ;)
~Lincoln is a very good communicator. He speaks much better than I remember Georgia doing at this age, and is very clear at telling you what he wants. He usually uses full sentences and repeats most anything we ask him to try. He can almost say his ABCs and can kinda count to 10. Whenever he sees letters, like his name on his bedroom wall, he tells us "abc-lmnop" indicating he knows those are letters! I guess having a sister just 20 months ahead of you can push you in the right direction sometimes!
~Speaking of pushing... actually Georgia and Lincoln are really playing together very well, most of the time. He's big enough to keep up and almost understand all her directions, and also offer his own "opinions" on what they're doing! I love seeing them play together or her Georgia say, "come on Lincoln, lets play" and he always answers "okay Georgia". They also fight together really well, as any siblings do, but they're learning a lot about sharing too!
I'm sure there's lots more, but those are some highlights! Happy 2nd Birthday my precious son! We all love you so much and thank the Lord for you! We pray He will continue to protect you and grow you up to be a wonderful boy!
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