Baby Sister is here!
Rosemary Rae Hipp
arrived Thursday, June 16th, at 7:51am, 7 lbs 14 ounces, 21 inches long.
The C-section has been a totally different experience from my previous two births. It was very quick- all set up at 7:30 and they grabbed her by the leg (still breech!) and pulled her out just 21 minutes later! But while the birth was short and sweet, and went very well, I can tell the recovery is going to be much longer. I've just been very sore and slow to get moving around. Yesterday was a long Day 2, but today is already promising to be better. Rosemary is eating well, and just doing a great job being sweet and adorable! Everyone is in love with her and Big Sister & Brother have been so sweet on their visits up here to the hospital to see her, wanting to hold her and sing to her and share chicken nuggets with her! The Lord has certainly blessed us with this gift of another beautiful, healthy child!
These are some pictures of her just 24 hours old, by the hospital photography company. Definitely the best hospital photos I've ever seen! So awesome to be able to get professional photos done while we're still here in the hospital! I love them...

Congratulations!!! She is beautiful, just like the rest of her family!
Awe! She is totally another HIPP!!!! All of your kiddos look so much alike!!
She's absolutely beautiful, and I'm amazed at the photography! Only 24 hours after delivery??? Wow! And she really looks GREAT!
Kathryn, I WANT your perspective! You have such an amazingly POSITIVE outlook!! I want a #3, but I really don't want to have to go thru the pregnancy and delivery! :) We'll see!
Congratulations, family of 5!!! Rest well, Mommy and Rosemary Rae. :)
congrats kathryn. we are so excited for you and the family. she is gorgeous, and i know she will be loved well by big sis and big bro, daddy, and all the grands. take it easy with the c-section.
Congratulations Hipps! She is beautiful! We miss you guys and will be praying for this busy time for yall.
Congratulations Mommy, Daddy, Georgia & Lincoln!!! Welcome Baby Rosemary, you are so beautifully made!! We are so excited to see you for the first time. The photos are precious and ones you will cherish for years to come. All Our LOVE to you!!
Congrats on a beautiful baby girl. Can't wait to meet her
Love you guys. Uncle Jerry
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