Kids were in bed, Larry was doing schoolwork, I was making Georgia's lunch for the next day, when I heard her crying in her room. I waited to see if it was just a "there's something scary" ploy, but her crying continued. When I went in to check on her, she was sitting up in bed holding her nose.
I asked her if she hurt it?- "yes"; bumped it on the wall?- "no"; scratched it somehow? -"no"....."I put a bead in my nose."
I guess I should have gone right into mommy-mode, trying to comfort and fix the problem, but I was dumbfounded. You did what? "I found a bead in my bed and put it in my nose. It's still in there. It hurts." Are you sure there's a bead in your nose? (C'mon- you're four-and-a-half, my Big Girl!) Let's blow your nose- maybe it's just some boogers... (we blow her nose- yes, there are a few boogers.) See- just boogers. Go back to bed. (She sits still. Then a panicked look in her eye...) "No, mommy, the bead is still in there. it Hurts!"
I hear Larry in the kitchen so I just scoop her up and take her out to him, still shaking my head.
"Georgia says she put a bead in her nose. She found a bead in her bed and put it in her nose. Really."
He obviously is the more responsible parent because he calmly says, "Ok, let's get a flashlight." Oh- right. I guess we should check her nose. And what do we see shining way, WAY up in her little nose- one sparkly bead. "Yep- there's a bead in there."
Georgia still looks panicked, but thankfully my mommy-mode finally kicked in. I grabbed a clean tissue and told her to blow hard, plugging the clean nostril. She's not a great nose-blower all the time, but she really gave it her all and.... pop! We all heard the tiny pop of it finally coming dislodged! I'm telling ya- it was really IN THERE. We were about 30 seconds and one more sniffle from a night-run to the ER. Hopefully this lesson will stick this time- stick like a little bead up your nose!!
classic and priceless! You and Larry are getting to be pros at this stuff! Love aunt laura
Stick like a little bead up your nose. Ha! That made me laugh. I'm sure that will be a new phrase in your house. :)
Kathryn, you are such a great story teller... and I love that picture of GA! Miss y'all! Talk to you soon.
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