Thursday, April 23, 2009

Orphan & Widow

We recently had some pictures taken by Lauren Webber, of Orphan & Widow. She has started a ministry to use her wonderful gift of photography, and other's gifts and talents, to raise awareness and support for the poverished. She had a fundraiser day at Botanical Gardens where we did our photoshoot and all funds she collected went to support a missionary headed to West Africa with a medical team to serve an unreached tribe. It's a really neat ministry she's started and an incredible way to share her God-given talent!
Thank you, Lauren! All of the pictures are beautiful!
These are just a few of my many favorites (along with our new title pictures):

I love the combination of bruised shins & skinned knees, and soft, chubby legrolls!

This is Larry's favorite of Lincoln- he says Lincoln has his hands up in a boxing pose, ready to fight someone to get out of the basket!

This is my favorite of Georiga (I think!)- it just captures her easygoing happiness with that little smile, her foot pulled up on the chair and her arms crossed...


Anonymous said...

I love these all!!!!!! What great pictures. Short heaircut Larry!!! The family picture is precious and you know me- please bring me hardcopies!!!!! Are there more of these somewhere to see besides this blog page? I'll bring my computer to Emmie's wedding so you can show me if I'm missing some. Linc is just a basket baby! Love Georgia's bare feet in almost every picture and of course your smile just lights up everything. Please drive carefully to the wedding and God willing, we'll all be together tomorrow at this time. Hugs Grammie

Jen said...

Lauren did such a great job capturing your beautiful family!!

Sony Girl said...

Gorgeous pics. I hope that you all have a safe, quiet trip to the wedding. Maybe the kids will sleep the whole way!

Kelly said...

absolutley beautiful pictures...with some adorable models :)

Misty said...

These pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!
~Misty :)

Matt, Debby and Sarah Grace said...

I LOVE these photos!!! She did a great job on them. I love your new short hair cut too!! It's sassy :) Too Cute!! Miss you and hope to get together soon so I can see those Lincoln 'rolls'.
Debby & Sarah Grace