From Lincoln's arrival Dec 1st, till my parent's and brother Michael's departure tomorrow, it feels like we've been going nonstop. But in the best ways! We have had some wonderful time with my family on multiple visits, time with Larry's family and extended family, and all the holiday fun we could manage! I'll try to hit the highlights here:
Christmas morning was special with the four of us opening presents in our Christmas pj's in our house. Georgia, being the expert present-opener she is, opened them for all of us- hers, mine, larry's and lincoln's! Aren't they too cute in their pj's?!
Next, we headed to Nana's house (larry's mom) to open presents with her, Heather, Jonathan & Tyler. Georgia was SO spoiled this year! She got so many fun new things- most of which make some kind of noise! Larry has already been going thru the new toys, finding ways to block/cut off/muffle their noiseboxes! Kids make enuf noise on their own that I don't really think it's fair that all their toys have to be noisy too. And Lincoln just enjoyed snuggling with everyone.

Then we joined the Phelps for Christmas lunch with Sandy's family. The meal was delicious and it was great to get to spend part of our Christmas day with good friends. Georgia adopted Sandy's dad, "Papa Go", and they played, played and played, and also shared fudge pie! And, once again, Lincoln spent his time getting passed from one snuggle to the next!
Christmas night Grandpa Albert (larry's dad) came over and Georgia opened even MORE presents! He got her a Sit n Spin, which larry said every kid has to have until he realized the new Sit n Spins have constant music that plays with no on/off switch! It was one of the first "noisy toy" to get "modified", but Georgia still loves it!
That night, the Rodebush's came to town!
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