Our best friends, Matt & Sandy, welcomed Logan Scott Phelps yesterday, Jan 1st, at 1:04pm. He is 4 1/2 weeks before his due date, but a welcome surprise!
The Phelps had been over at our house, hanging out and watching the New Year come in. They left around 12:30am, and we had just gotten Lincoln fed and settled, and were drifting towards sleep ourselves when we got a panicked call from Matt. They thought Sandy's water had broke, and just needed confirmation from someone who'd been there that this was really happening! We told them, Yes! Call the doc and go to the hospital!! At the hospital, they confirmed Logan was on his way, got Sandy started on a bit of pitosin and Logan came on out!
Sandy and son are both doing well. Logan was 5 pounds, 7 ounces and 19 inches. He's so long he doesn't look like he's only 5 1/2 pounds, but is also very lean since he didn't have those last weeks to fatten up. He feels so tiny to hold after my chunky boy! He has a headful of thick, dark hair. Thankfully he didn't have to spend any time in the NICU, and will probably get to go home on time. Thank the Lord for a beautiful, healthy boy for our friends, and playmate for Lincoln!
Tiny, big, biggest- Logan, Lincoln (1 mo), Georgia (21 mo)
Little buddies!
Hipps & Phelps
Yes, that's me in the pink-striped shirt- I've chopped my hair off! :)
Yay, Sandy & Matt!!
Kathryn, LOVE your hair! ;)
I'm in shock for the Phelps! I'll bet they are too! So sweet!
Kat, He was 19" Long
Oops, thanks L... I'll fix it.
My nephew is so adorable! We are coming tomorrow to meet him. :)
~Misty :)
I can't believe what a moose lincoln is next to baby Logan. He looks huge and we think he's just a tiny thing! These pictures will be so precious in the years to come! Give Sandy and Matt big hugs from us and tell Matt all of his tax expertise was wasted on a Jan 1st baby!!! Thank God he is so healthy and I know you will all take good care of each other. Love Grammie
I love looking at your HippSpace. How dedicated you are and what wonderful memories you are creating. Your children are beautiful and you have truely been blessed. I am glad that you enjoyed the gifts I sent and I hope we see you soon. Your mom and dad tell me you are a wonderful mother, and I think that is the greatest gift God could have given you. My children were and are my life and always bring me happiness. Great that you and your husband are gifted with close friends that seem to have beautiful babies in common. Love you, Your long lost cousin, Geraldine
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