Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Georgia Performs

Georgia had two special performances in early December:

December 11, 2011
Her little dance class had their first recital. They performed The Chinese Dance from The Nutcracker. Ironically, that is the same thing I did for my first dance recital the only year I took ballet, when I was five! I still remember feeling jealous that the other classes got to wear beautiful tutus, and I was stuck wearing a short kimono and ugly green, Chinese hat. Georgia didn't have to wear a hat, and I think her little kimono was cute- but that's probably what my mom said too!
To say her class "performed"- is a huge overstatement! The whole thing was only a minute, seven seconds- literally, and by the end Larry and I were laughing so hard I could barely see to take pictures. And it was ADORABLE! Georgia's class is three and four year-olds, so she's one of the older kids, and one of the few watching her teacher give cues offstage. We were very proud of her- and she really enjoyed the after-show ice cream! :)
(She's the second one from the right- the tall blonde! ;)

December 14, 2011
The next week, Georgia's preschool did their Christmas program. It was very sweet. The 4-year olds were the members of the Nativity scene, including all the animals that were hanging around to see baby Jesus' birth. She chose to be a sheep- also ironic, considering my childhood growing up with many little lambs! The whole performance was well-done, and well-attended. I didn't get many good pics b/c I was holding a squirmy baby and trying to keep little brother from doing church-pew-gymnastics, while daddy shot video. The whole theme was a Birthday Party for Jesus, and I love how this school not only points the kids to Jesus during Christmas, but every day they have class!
And little brother appreciated the punch and cookies afterward!

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