Sunday, June 21, 2009

When it comes to being a Great Dad... husband is doing a Great Job! And the three of us enjoyed telling him so this Father's Day. We know it's not easy being our Provider, our Leader, our Referee, our Disciplinarian, our secondary Chef and chief Bottle-Washer, our Maintenance Man, our Home Improvement Contractor, our Comforter, Snuggler, Tickler and Kissy-Monster. And just putting up with us in general!! We appreciate him for wearing all these titles, daily, and so many more!
After breakfast (which ended up being NOT in bed, since my noisy helpers lured daddy out to the living room), Georgia led us in singing Happy Father's Day {"papy otters ay!"} and helped open our crafty gifts (more on the craftiness to come)...

And Fuzz-Top took care of the discarded tissue paper...

We are thankful for you, Larry, and love you so much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Larry - you are such a wonderful dad, father, husband, friend and son-in-law. I know it's not easy being the one who leaves the house to go to work daily and has all of the financial responsibility and I know there's not alot of quiet when you get home (I think you need a button to shut Lincoln's chortles and yelling off!), but you seem to take it in stride, love your kids and be an awesome husband to our baby girl! I thank God daily that He brought you into our lives and want you to know we will do whatever we can to help, even though I know we're too far away to take much of the pressure off both you and Kathryn! We love you LOTS and can't wait to see all the HIPPO's for the July 4th weekend!!! Yeah! Love Grammie